Alice in Chains
Copyright belongs to the creator

Alice in Chains

Alice in Chains
Copyright belongs to the creator
Type : Band
Pays : United States
Date de formation : 01/01/1987


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Grunge, Alternative Rock, Alternative Metal


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Alice in Chains is an American rock band formed in Seattle in 1987. Since 2006, the band members are singer/guitarists Jerry Cantrell and William DuVall, bassist Mike Inez and drummer Sean Kinney. Singer Layne Staley and bassist Mike Starr are original …


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Alice in Chains is an American rock band formed in Seattle in 1987. Since 2006, the band members are singer/guitarists Jerry Cantrell and William DuVall, bassist Mike Inez and drummer Sean Kinney. Singer Layne Staley and bassist Mike Starr are original band members.

The band's name comes from Staley's former band, Alice N' Chains. Often associated with grunge music, Alice in Chains' sound and style are deeply rooted in heavy metal music. The band is known for its distinctive vocal style and harmonized vocals between Staley and Cantrell (and later Cantrell and DuVall).